May 29, 2011

Feeling wiser.

I promised myself that because it was my birthday, I would celebrate by staying far away from my homework load. I was completely unsuccessful,  I couldn't help myself. At least my one year older makes me wiser too. My homework sure could use a wiser soul working on it. Despite the homework that needed to be done, it was a great day. I'm feeling all sorts of happiness and love! I'm completely convinced I have the greatest family and friends in the world.

Kaniki and I spent the afternoon lounging around, napping, and watching movies (well, the same movie...twice). She sure is a cutie, isn't she?

Happy day of birth, time to birth a blog!

It's now 4:21. In the morning. Taylor, Ali, and Shelby have convinced me to create a blog. Yipee! I think I conformed to the idea 'cause of the late (early?) hour. Honestly this blogging stuff freaks me out. Thank goodness for Taylor's expertise on

Today's my birthday. Cheers to a spectacularly CRAZY 19 years of life.