December 18, 2011

Here's to 1/4 of a century...

My parents have been married for 25 years, today. That boggles my mind. 25 is a big number, eh?! I'm so grateful to them and for the great examples they have been in my life. I feel so blessed to have been raised by parents who believe in working hard at their marriage and keeping their love strong through the thick and the thin. It's cute to always see them snuggle, kiss, and laugh at each other. Cheers to love, and cheers to the best parents a girl could ask for.



I love you Dadio and Madre. You da best.

December 14, 2011

You can find me in the library...

With these cute boys....

 And this cute girl...

 2nd floor. Periodicals. 3rd table from the window. All day. Everyday.

Looking like this. All day. Everyday. 

December 6, 2011

Juice. A little Asian boy. And a failure of a daughter.

My mom came home with TONS of juice the other day. She's went of diet coke and feels the need to substitute its absence with every kind of juice known to man. She was so proud of all her good selections that she displayed them on the counter for all of us. She's a hoot! Stupid brother kept knocking a carton down every time I tried to take a picture though...

So...sister-in-law took action and made it possible for me to get a picture with all the juice boxes standing up. This seriously makes me laugh everytime I see it, this soooo wasn't staged. Go Aubz!
....Dad?? Are you trying to shoot mom???

Yesterday at dance, a little Asian boy stopped by. How sweet.

I HATE to decorate. Hate it. It causes me stress when my mom asks "does this picture look better here? or...*moves it 0.5 millimeters*... here?". Our house is beautifully decorated thanks to mother, and I feel like a failure of a daughter because I don't share the same love of decorating with her. So, to compensate for my lack of interior design skills, I show my support by shopping with her and Nik and carrying everything around for them. If that's not love, I don't know what is.

December 4, 2011

And she's at it once again....

Beautiful Mia was up on the Velour stage this Friday for take two. If I told you she did amazing, it would be an understatement.  Her talent blows me away, not to mention she's! Love you Mia girl, you rocked it.

December 1, 2011

Glad they put up with me.

ME: "When are you going to open those pretzel M&M's Nik?? They've been sitting on your dresser for the last 2 months!"
NIK: "I don't want to open them because as soon as I do, I know you're going to eat them all."

ME: "Nik, I opened your M&M's. I think I ate them all. Don't be mad. It was an accident."
NIK: "RIIIIIIIIK!!!!! I didn't open them because I knew this would happen!!!"
ME: "I just don't understand why you tried to prolong the inevitable..."
NIK: "I can't believe you ate all my treats, who are you?!"

ME: "Mom, who's your favorite child?"
MOM: "I don't have one."
ME: "Will you just say that I am? So I feel good about myself?"
MOM: "Sure Rik."

ME: "Nik, I'm sorry, but Mom said I was the favorite child."
NIK: "Actually, she told me that she doesn't have a favorite. But she did say that I was her smartest child, and that Myke was really funny, and Ryan is Athletic."
ME: "Oh ya?! What did she say about me?"
NIK: "She said you have nice hair."
ME: "oh."