August 27, 2012

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go.

Hey. This is your boyfriend. Sorry to ruin your perfectly worded, super cute, creative blog. But whatever, just wanted you to know how much imma miss yo face when you get to the other side of the world, millions and millions of miles away..There's nothing better than being with your best friend Every. Single. Day. So when I say you're gonna make me lonesome when you go, I totally mean it. You're the most beautiful girl in the world and everybody reading this knows it. I am the happiest boy because I get to call you mine. Those little munchkins in Romania are so lucky to have someone like you to look after them. You are going to do amazing. I'm so proud of you. Lets be honest I'm going to be a lost little soul for a few months, but hey, I'll be waiting patiently... You're the best Rik! Go get em!

August 20, 2012

Romania Blog

Hey kids.
 If you want to follow my Romanian adventures (leaving in 2 weeks!), click on the "Romania" tab at the top of my page and go from there. 
Had to be set to 'private' for protection rights.
Sorry 'bout that. 
But hey...
Anything for the children. 
Am I right?

This little blog here probably won't get much attention in the next 3 months.
So just follow the Romania blog if you are a die-hard "On the reals" reader.
Are there any of those out there?
Blake?....(you better read're like in every post)

You get the point.
Follow if you want!
Your body, your choice.

August 15, 2012

A little bit of that lovey dovey stuff.

I move to Romania in 19 days.
Lots of peeps ask what's gonna happen with B and I.
Here's what's up.
He'll keep himself busy with school and work and lots of quality family time while avoiding all females,, and my sexy roommate Taylor (who has a (not so) secret crush on him) at all costs, while wearing a t-shirt with a picture of his incredibly sexy girlfriend on it that says "my heart's in Romania" with the Romanian flag in the background with little red and pink hearts all over it, everyday.
And I'll try really hard not to fall in love and elope with a little 5-year-old orphan boy.
But pharrell.
When people ask me...I think I turn into a robot.
"It's gonna suck, but he's supportive because he knows how important it is to me"
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
"It'll either make or break the relationship"
and thee ever infamous,
"It's only 3 months..."
I say these things with a robot face, and a robot tone, with a robot brain, while doing the robot dance (ha ha. el oh el. jay kay. 'Bout the robot dance, that is).
Robot aka: nothing.
Just words, no substance.
While those things may all be very true,
the truth is...
It'll be real hard.
and I'm really going to miss him.
But look at that face...

How could you not be head-over-heels for that??
It's impossible not to be.
Thank the heavens for the once-a-week alloted time to contact home.
You best believe we be skype dating up the wah-zoo.
And I can't wait to be pen pals.
It all seems so romatic like.
Handwriting love notes across the ocean and all.

August 14, 2012

Baby's HERE!

This little nuggy made his way into the world a few (and then some) days late and 20 hours worth of labor later. 
Better late than never, eh?
He's the cutest little cutie I ever did see. 

"No name" Laws
August 13, 2012
7 lbs. 10 oz.

August 13, 2012

The birthday boy.

It was Chief Dave's birthday on of course I have to highlight him!....duh. It's just what the favorite oldest daughter of his in the whole world has to do to stay his favorite oldest daughter. It ain't easy being the fav, kids. It ain't easy. 

{This is Dad being old....and me pretending to be old}

From middle school to high school...he paid me for my grades. Straight A's got double the mulah. You best believe I was a straight A student. I'd like to think my GPA is due to my incredible self-motivation and educational desires. Funny. Either I inherited by dad's killer smart brains, or I loved getting a check from him. Whatever way you do the math...he's to thank for every "you got a 4.0 this semester!" certificate I've ever gotten.

He made me eat sushi until I liked it and taught me how to use chopsticks. Most peeps think I'm half asian because of my mom. It's really because of my dad.

Once I really really wanted to swim with the dolphins at Sea World. So I may or may not have lied to him and told him that I wanted to be a marine biologist when I grew up so he would pay for me to swim with the little dolphins thinking he was helping me achieve my dreams. He may or may not have known my marine biologist aspirations would be very very short lived. But he still let me swim with them. And even bought me a snow globe with a picture of me hugging a dolphin on the inside. So cool.

On behalf of every car I've ever driven, I'd like to thank my dad for his automobile fix-it skills.
On behalf of my wallet, I'd like to doubly thank him for his automobile fix-it skills.

I sure have been blessed to have the best dad. He's the most kind-hearted, smart, supportive, and loving person I've ever known. He's my biggest fan and I'm his baby doll. Here's to 48 years and 48 more.

I love you dadio!!!

Nik and I taught him how to hip-bump on his birthday.
Can't believe he went 48 years without knowing how to hip-bump.

August 9, 2012

Let's talk {facelifts}.

I'm pretty sure I'm opposed to facelifts.
{only pretty sure because I've never really thought about them to be honest. Never had to. But I mean...what if I reeeeeeally needed one for some reason or another? Like bad?....maybe I'm 100% pro facelifts...I just don't know it yet}

But until that point in my life comes where I seriously have to debate the reality of getting a facelift (may that day never come)... I'm pretty sure I'm opposed to them.

Check it.

Oh dear....bless their sweet sweet souls.

But blog got a facelift this week.
One that I fully support. 100%.
Thanks go to this pretty little lady.

Too bad MJ didn't consult Rylee girl for his facelifting ish like I did.
He {and the rest of the world} might have been more pleased with his rearranging business if he had.
Sorry man.
Better luck next time.

But's still under a bit of construction.
Hopefully I can finish it up faster than UDOT has taken on I-15.

August 2, 2012

The perks....

{The perks of dating the B-man}

He can get free whatever (I mean...WHATEVER) from NuSkin.
He comes home from work with stuff that he thinks I will like.  
Last night it was a cute make-up bag.
Sometimes it's lotion.
Other times it's face scrub.

Last night he came home with $1500 worth of product.
He was stoked to show me.
Gave me and his fam the run-down on every. single. product.
He sounded all professional and business like.

He even made me wash my face at his house last night so I could try new face moisturizes and such.
I felt very moisturized.
Go NuSkin. Go B.
I love when he comes home with goody goods for me.

{The perks of going to Romania}

Getting ready for the day in Romania is going to be a breeze.
Rik. Would you like to wear blue scrubs, blue scrubs, or blue scrubs today?
Um..I'll take the blue scrubs, please.

I usually {aka: never} take pictures of myself in the dressing room.
But I had to.
I had to send a pic to boyfriend.
Because. He doesn't think scrubs are sexy. 
But I disagree.
I've never looked better in my life.
What is sexier than blue scrubs?
The answer is nothing.