October 24, 2011

I was a mother of 4...

 I babysat the Astle kiddos while their parents went out of town. Let me tell you...these kids are my favorite kids in the whole world.  I wouldn't mind being a mother of 4 this instant if my kids were exactly like them.  We spent the weekend wearing ourselves out with playtime 24/7. 

  We went to the BYU game until they got bored.
 Little Sophie got bored about 5 minutes into the game, but somehow we managed to get her stay until halftime.

 We went to yogurtland...a favorite treat, and basically a tradition when I babysit them.
 I wish I could say this was all the sugar they got alllllll weekend. But I basically let them eat whatever they wanted. Look how nasty that yogurt looks though!! Sugar Galore!!!
 Fat cats was a hit. Johnny beat us all, even me. BUT he had bumpers people, I didn't!! Oh well. I gave him a dollar for winning, and of course he got more junk food from the vending machine...like they already hadn't already been eating like crap all weekend.
 Look how cute they look in their church clothes! I thought it took me a long time to get ready every Sunday for church...imagine getting 4 kids ready too! I have a whole new appreciation for mothers that get to church on time.
 We took their scooters up Provo canyon and road them down to a park. The leaves were unreal!

 I packed them a nice picnic of my wonderful cooking. PB&J's at their best. aaaand some more junk food, naturally.
 We played kickball, frisbee, 500, and whatever else we could think up. Poor Soph kept getting hurt. I think this picture was taken right after she wanted to be pitcher for kickball and her brother, Nicco, kicked the ball straight at her cute face.
The weekend was the best. I love you Astle kids!!

PS. Midterms are over and I want to do a little jiggy dance right now because I'm so giddy. Tonight I didn't do any homework, or studying, or test taking, or anything related to school. If that doesn't deserve a jiggy dance, I don't know what does.

PSS. What the heck is a jiggy dance? I've never used that term in my life.

PPS. How are you guys liking the new layout of my blog? The picture of me is waaaaay too big. But I don't know how to make it smaller. Technology dweeb here. Help?!

PPSS. I apologize for all my spelling errors in the past and here on out. I'm always too lazy to go back and edit it super good. (well?)

October 20, 2011

Just on my mind...

Do you realize that this boy gets home when he is 20...and it's his 20th birthday today???

To say I'm stoked is an understatement.

October 16, 2011

Procrastination isn't, but should be, my middle name.

AHHHHHH! Midterms can die a slow miserable death! I have 3 more this week and I have no idea how I'm going to get through it alive...last week's studying and test taking almost killed me. Stress. I'm sure my procrastination isn't helping my stress at all, for instance, instead of spending my weekend studying (like I should have been),  I went to St. George and Vegas with a few of my favorite peeps. And instead of studying now (like I should be),  I'm blogging. Where are my priorities people???? Meh, oh well. You're not human if you don't procrastinate sometimes. Here's just a few pics from Vegas aka: procrastination at it's best.

October 8, 2011

The nightly routine.

Lachelle has introduced me to the show Pretty Little Liars and now I am obsessed.  Something about the high school drama, young love, suspense, a mysterious murder, and an unknown stalker has had me captivated for the last month. I think I just made the show sound really dumb by saying all that, but trust me, it's good.

The nightly routine goes as follows:
1. Call Lachelly around 11 pm. (sometimes I call her at 4 in the afternoon because it's less scary in the daytime)
2. We get ready for bed, whip out the laptop, and pick up where we left off.
3. Lush asks me every 15 minutes if I'm asleep yet.
4. I say no.
5. I close my eyes on all the scary parts.
6. Lush gets mad at me for being a pansy.
7. I ask Lush if I can start to fall asleep.
8. She says yes.
9. I fall asleep.
10. She asks me if I'm asleep yet.
11. I say yes.
12. She gets mad because she doesn't like to watch it by herself.
13. I get confused because she said I could fall asleep.
14. Then I get mad because she woke me up.
15. We both fall asleep.

Lately we do this at least 4 nights out of the week and I just love it. We call it PPL for short, which doesn't really make sense because the show is called Pretty Little Liars....oh well.

We also have found the most delicious ice cream in the whole world! We used to eat it every time we watched the show, but we started watching it too much. If we ate this ice cream every time we watched PPL, we'd be 20 lbs heavier in no time at all.

May I suggest you treat yourself to both a PPL marathon and Ben & Jerry's Cinnamon Buns and Blueberry Cheesecake ice cream. I promise you won't be disappointed.

October 2, 2011

Cool Chill Chaotic Competitive Consuming Conference Craziness...

I think we can all agree that General Conference is a BOMB weekend. It sure is at the Laws Residence!

First, G.N.O.
It has always been a tradition to go to dinner with my cute cousins. We went to Thai Drift last night (the best Thai restaurant in the whole world), and ate an embarrassing LARGE amount of food. The conversation, company, and of course the food was great!

Today we all cuddled up with our blankets to watch the Sunday sessions of Conference. As tradition goes, in between sessions we have a massive pillow fight. It gets crazy!! I'll admit that some of it is fun, but mostly I'm just terrified through the whole thing. My brothers have no mercy when it comes to beating Nik and I up and we always come out of it with major battle wounds.

Both of my friends Taylor Woodward and Taylor Goodman joined us for conference today so.....they got to join in with all the fun! Aka: pillow fights, handstand contests, pyramid building, stunting, dinner with the fam, and sleeping through the 2nd session. Hee hee just kidding...I actually took notes the whole time!

It was a great weekend. I loved hearing the words of prophets and spending time with people I love!

And.....here's just a picture to make you laugh...and sure, you can cringe at the pain I felt if you want.

Somehow during the pillow smackdown, T-wood managed to give me the biggest wiggie ever.