February 28, 2014

I'm a sickie.

I've been hit by the sickie sick bug. 
It's the worst. 
I can't sleep cuz I can't frick frakin breathe.
and I basically become a lame-o around 8 o'clock every night when it starts to hit me hard. 
Our house is also a disaster. 
You should see the bedroom...
It ain't pretty.
Who has time to clean when they're sick?!
All I want to do is cuddle up and watch TV while B works on homework every night.
^^yikes. I spy a bike, cafe rio, shoes from the last couple of days, and a sexy man guy who I love so much. 

For real though, I love him so much. 
We were watching Modern Family the other night and they were drinking punch in one of the scenes. 
I'm all, "oh my heck...juice! doesn't that sound so good?!"
Next thing I know, B is getting dressed (he may or may not have been shirtless), grabbing his keys and asking me what kind of juice my sickie self would like. 
10 minutes later, I have a whole bunch of juices to choice from. 
Hahaha he's the best. 
I made sure to give him a nice 30 second back rub to say thanks before I zonked out on the couch. 

Also, I'm having a hard time kissing my hubby.
I probably shouldn't, so I don't get him sick too...buuut whateves.
I can't breathe through my nose, so after we kiss for about 20 seconds
I'm all, "I can't brrrrreathe!!!"
B was pretty patient with me...and we laughed a lot. 
So sickie makeout session? 

February 17, 2014

I love me some Sundays

I live for Sundays.
It's one of the days where I actually get ready. 
We also get the best meal of the week (thanks to our parents). 
And we are game playing peeps and Sunday is our day for that. 
Don't forget the weekly dose of birth control we get after teaching that primary class of ours.
And all the family time.
Catching up on homework is even pretty nice.
And B-man just wants to cuddle me, make out, and watch ESPN all day.
So it's pretty much the best day ever.

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February 7, 2014

Winter Semester 2014 is blowing my miiiiind.

^^ this picture has nothing to do with this post. I just like it aight?

Here it is. 
My post about how insane this semester is. 
Do you even care?!
Probably not.
But you should! 
Because I think my brain is going to explode. 
It's called concern for your fellow men, you guyzzzz. 

So here we go. 

I just counted.
 My brain and body is currently trying to hold on to 20 (20!) different dances worth of choreography.
Ask any of my dance peeps, my brain is turning to mush. 

Also, I got accepted to be a researching assistant for one of the professors here at BYU. 
It's so great and I'm currently working on a manuscript to be submitted for publication. (eek!)
That betta look good on my grad school application, right?
However, it requires 10 hours of researching crizapp a week. 
Which is fine. 
But on top of school, homework, two jobs, and all that choreography being done...it's a complete stretch every week to get those 10 hours in. I'm dying. 

Aaaaand yesterday was the first day of the semester where I wore jeans. 
Sweats are my BFF lately. 

And that hubby is getting slammed as well. 
It's pretty sad how sad looking we are.
I swear I haven't seem him all week. 
But we're getting soooo smart!!!
We hope. 
Last night we stayed up till 2 am working on one of his homework assignments together.
Earlier that week he helped me with one of mine because I was so stressed. 
So I owed him one, big time. 
Teamwork, kids. 

 But this is my last semester of my undergrad!
Right now, thinking of being done makes me ecstatic.
In April, after I graduate, I'm going to sleep in, watch every episode of Modern Family, learn how to cook, and try not to spill my ice cream on B's notebook while he has to do homework :)

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 PS. I'm so sorry that this little blog of mine has been recently getting the boot. 
I hope you understand.
My mom tells me everyday that she's "waiting for a new blog post, rik!"
Sorry mom. 

And lastly, sorry for the lame boring post. 
The little details about my life are pointless, I know. 
But I like looking back on this stuff. 
That way when I'm older and losing my mind, I can bask in the days when I was young, youthful and could handle all this stuff.