November 26, 2012

Don't Mind Me... Just hacking your Blog.

Surprise! It's your boyfriend.  Most of the letters I write to you I like to keep secret.  Ya know, just between you and me.  But I think this little post will speak for everybody when I say how excited we are to FINALLY have you back! Lots of peeps say to me, "B can you believe how fast it has gone?!" And I always think to myself.. FAST? Are you crazy?? These have been the longest 3 months of my life! But you know what? It's probably felt like an eternity to me because I am crazy, madly, head over heels in love with you.  Thats why.  I've absolutely missed your guts Rik.  It's been hard not having my best friend with me everywhere I go. But hey, I'm ok with that because you have been doing amazing things in Romania.  I couldn't be more proud.  Romania is a better place because of you.  The stories you tell me about the kids say everything about how much you love them.  Gosh I can't wait to kiss your face and tell you how amazing you are! Thanks for being an example to all of us Rik. I can't say enough about how much I've missed having you around, but I'm equally happy because I know you have been giving your heart to young ones that totally need it.  I guess what I'm saying is thanks.  Thanks for going.  You're the best.  But lets be honest, I'm so stoked to have you back! You're my everyting and I miss you so much.  I love you Rik.  Have a good day, I can't wait to see you!

love b.

November 23, 2012

Happy Birthday lover boy!!

I guess it's no surprise when I say that I'm in love with Blake Edward Sanford!
And guess what?! 
Today is his 24th birthday! 
And guess where I am? 
In Romania! 
Not the fact that I'm in Romania...of course. 
Just the fact that I'm in Romania on his birthday...obviously.
So in honor of his birthday, I'll tell you a bunch of pointless things about me and him. Mostly him. 
What kind of girlyfriend would I be if I didn't do that?!
A bad one. 
The answer is, a bad one.

Some Randoms------>>

There is NEVER enough ketchup on B's burgers. I swear the thing could be jam packed in ketchup and he'd still dip it in more. Ketchup lover? Or just a habit? I have yet to decide.

He keeps all of his shoes in the shoe box they came in. He has STACKS of shoe boxes.

I can't sing in Sacrament with him or pray out loud at family dinners if he is there. I always get a bad case of the giggles. I don't know what it is, but it's no bueno. 

He loves to write letters. I have an entire binder full of surprise love letters from him. 

His closet is super organized.

English accent? Terrible.

He always finishes his food last. Kills me! But we can't decide if I'm just super fast at eating, or if he's just super slow.

Once we bought a fish together and named him Wiz. We decided to alternate weeks taking care of him starting with B. After Blake's week, I decided to make it HIS fish, instead of OUR fish. Sorry's not that I hate you, it's just that I hate fish. BUT I really want a dog. Unfortunately, B said I have to prove to him that I can take care of an animal by taking of Wiz for 3 WHOLE WEEKS! So either Wiz will once again become OUR fish. Or, we'll never get a dog. Or, Wiz might "accidentally" die in the first week under my care... making it possible for me to not take care of that dumb fish and still get a dog.

Some Funnies--->>

Once I was in my bathroom and he hid in my closet. When I walked into my room, he jumped out of the closet and it scared me so bad! I screamed so loud, stumbled backward and sat down on my bed. Except for, my bed wasn't behind me like I thought it was. So then I was completely off balance and continued to stumble backward until my back slammed into my window sill, I sprained my thumb trying to catch myself, scraped up my arm on the side of my bed, and then finally landed in a ball on the ground where I started to cry. Yes cry. I was so scared, I was in some serious pain, and I was supes embarrassed!  I just remember looking at B standing still with wide eyes. All he said was, "I'm so sorry. That was just supposed to be a 'haha. I scared you!'..type of moment".

 Once B and I were making out (sometimes I hesitate to say making I'll delete it and put "kissing" but we all know that "kissing" basically means "making out" so I decide to use "making out" anyway. Plus, I'm 20...20 year-olds make out all the time). As I was saying...we were kissing making out and he got a bloody nose! GROSS!!! After cleaning up [both] our faces, (like I said...gross), we decided to give making out a break. But then somehow we ended up kissing again. Figures. All of the sudden I feel something wet on my face... "freaking B! You have another bloody nose!", (double bloody nose? DOUBLE GROSS!). But he pulls back his face and realizes he doesn't have a bloody nose. Which only leaves one person. Me. I ran to the bathroom and low, and behold...I had a bloody nose. Freaking gross. What are the odds that we both would get bloody noses on the same night? We both died from embarrassment that night. But also died of laughter. So I'll call it a win.

Some Lovey Stuff---------->>

I'm so in love with this boy of mine. Somehow through our crazy lives, we became the best of friends. He really is the best person. His infectious personality is something that I have always craved being around. He makes me laugh every single day of my life! Not to mention the fairy tale type of love he gives. He makes me feel like the most beautiful and loved person in this world. I'm obsessed with every single thing about him.

So B,
Happy Birthday!
I wish I could be there with you today.
But thanks for supporting me while I'm here.
And thanks for loving me.
Even though I sometimes get makeup on your squeaky clean white shirts.
And fall asleep 5 minutes into every movie we watch.
And make you drive everywhere we go.
And beat you in chess all the time.
And eat all your food when I order something gross.
You're the coolest, and bestest, and funniest, and hottest, and most romantic person I know. 


xoxoxoxo, Riksie

November 19, 2012

No shame.

So....I got to see Breaking Dawn part 2 in Romania. I'm not sure why it came out so early here, but hey, not mad about that. 
I'm not going to lie...I loved it. 
Saw it two nights in a row. 
I know. 
I know. 
No shame. 
I think it was the fight scene.
Bella about to rip off Jacob's head.
The end meadow scene.
And the fact that both Bella and Edward looked like TOTAL babes (this movie did them wonders, admit it) that made me over look the cheesy lines, horribly fake baby, and Jasper's awkwardness (I wonder how much he gets paid for his one-liners and ability to stand there and do nothing in every scene...sign me up for that job ASAP or sooner!)

Go see it. 
You'll love it. 
Either because you're laughing at all the cheese...or thoroughly enjoying every second of it.
But either's love.

Also...why do people still say Team Jacob and Team Edward?
I'm like...dudes, she married Edward.
And she's a vampire. 
And vampires don't like werewolves.
And Jacob is a werewolf.
And Team Jacob ain't ever gonna win.
But if you enjoy being a loser...go Team Jacob!
At least you're going down with a sexy sexy Indian/werewolf boy. 
So I guess I can't blame you.

November 10, 2012

Rambles from Romania.

I'm sitting here in my little apartment in Romania.
Writing papers and catching up on school work is supposed to be getting done. 
Lo and behold, here I am.

If you haven't been reading my Romania probably have no idea what's even going on in my life.
So as a gift from me to you, imma catch you up in one long run on sentence. 
You can thank me lates. 
I love my life here and I never want to leave because I get to work with the most precious angels in the entire world and most days they make me really happy but other days they make me want to cuddle up in my crappy bunk bed and cry my eyes out because I love them so much and they are experiencing the most sad and heartbreaking lives that make me look like the most disgustingly blessed person to ever live yet they are so happy and are so loving and give me big hugs and smiles all day and I've never been more happy/sad but my eyes have been opened to life and how important all of God's children are and I want to have 20 babies of my own and adopt 20 more so I can give them happy and blessed lives.

I leave here in 3 weeks. 
Can you believe that?
I remember having 3 weeks until I was leaving for Romania. 
Now I'm coming home and it's so bittersweet for me.

A part of me, a big part, never wants to come home. 
I literally have spent the last 2 months forgetting the busyness and stress of my life and devoting my time to serving those in need.
I have been so happy and I have been so blessed. 
Sometimes I get stressed just thinking about all the stuff that is waiting for me back in America. 
And not to mention my babies.
The thought of leaving them makes me cry.
I don't ever want that day to come.
I know I'm going to come home with a huge hole in my heart and I'm dreading that in every sense of the word. 

But there's also a big part of me that misses home. 
I miss my family. 
My friends. 
Playing the piano.
BYU (I knooooow! What the crizapp? No shame).
And especially that lover boy of mine. 
To avoid sugar coating, I'll be brutally honest.
Being away from B has been hard. 
Super hard. 
Emailing, texting, and Skyping is never enough.
I'm craving that kid in the flesh. 
And not just in the, "I can't wait to make out with him" kind of way (although I SERIOUSLY can't wait to make out with him :))
It's just been hard to hear about everything he's doing instead of experiencing everything with him. 
But bless the heavens for technology.
It's been enough to keep this little love of ours alive. 
Who ever said "distance makes the heart grow fonder" sure must have been a fan of understatements. 
I've never missed or loved someone so much in my entire life!

//Sneakily snapped this screen shot while we were skyping. Creepy I know...but since we're so in love I feel like I have FULL stalker rights. But that face! And those glasses! I die. //

You get it. 
Back to writing papers and wishing 3 weeks will never end and go by faster all at the same time. 
I never know what I want. 
I know. I know!
B informed me of that when I couldn't decide what colors I want for our wedding. 
Wait whaaaa?
Who knows.