October 1, 2014

Exploring Salt Lake

Yesterday morning, I got a text from Lover Boy asking if I wanted to go explore Salt Lake City with him. 
This was so great for so many reasons. 

Between my 3 jobs and his full time school and job, our quality time has basically been limited to the weekends. We're just so busy!! Monday-Thursday I don't even get home till 10:30 or 11 at night and I usually come home to B whacking away at his homework. Luckily, we cuddle up hard every night around midnight and watch The Voice or Jimmy Fallon together, but I wish I saw more of him all week!

Also, one of our favorite things to do together is to go on drives, listen to good music, and scope out awesome houses. For some reason, we are complete suckers for older houses with lots of character. 
Hello freaking Downtown Salt Lake.
 Those houses are freaking amazing! 
We just day dream about the day when we get to pick out an old house of our own together and renovate the crizapp out of it.

Also, this song was our music of choice for the drive. We're the kind of people that will listen to a song 20 million times over till we're so sick of it we never ever listen to it again. You bet this song was on repeat the whole time. Thanks for showing it to me, Lachelly! B's obsessed. 

Also, we stopped at the capitol building and it was amazing. Not exactly sure why I've never been there, but I've already made big plans for a picnic on the stairs next time we stop by.

Also, the weather. It was perfect.
And the conversation? So good.
And the laughing? I couldn't stop. B was just being funny...and my mood was flying high.
Basically, it was a much needed adventure with my lover.
and I'm not exactly sure how it worked out so perfectly with our crazy schedules, but I'm so happy it did.

 ^^ we set up our camera on top of our car for a little self timer action and then crossed the street to take this picture. Right before the picture snapped, a freaking car drove right in front of us! We were laughing pretty hard, because it was kinda awkward and just really bad timing. But the camera caught this piccy in the midst of all of it (guess the car moved out of the way just in time!) and I love it.
^^and this boy. I can't get enough of him!
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