February 22, 2015

Mitchy + Meggy

Blake's best friend got married last weekend.
His name is Mitch.
Which makes their celebrity couple name BLITCH.
No lie, B and Mitchy are the best of friends. 
I remember when I was dating B, he'd call me to tell me he was coming over and it was NEVER a surprise when I opened the door to see both Blakers AND Mitch. 

Anyway, you can imagine our excitement when Mitch started bringing Meggy around more and more.
It's cool to see such a good friend fall in love. 
And even cooler when you love the girl he picked. 
Since we hangout alllll the time, I can't imagine what if would be like if I didn't vibe with whoever Mitch married. 
So it's great news that Meggy is now one of my best friends. 
And their whole day was basically perfect.
The weather was insanely awesome for a February wedding,
and everyone was just HAPPY. 
The temple is my favorite part of any wedding.
All the happiness and tears and all that eternity talk just really warms my soul.
And of course the reception was a party.
At the end of the night I told B I felt guilty cuz I ate 5 sandwiches.
But then he told me he ate 15, so then I didn't feel too bad. 
And this right here is one of my favorite pictures ever. 
I snuck it a few minutes before the reception started. 
B and Mitchy were just sitting there, chatting and laughing about who knows what.
Like there wasn't a care in the world.
Just them being them.
So cute.  
Man, I love these guys so much. 
Thanks for being such a good friend to my hubby, Mitch! And thanks for picking such a solid woman to marry. 
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February 20, 2015


I want a dog so bad.
Like I'm obsessed. 
I look at the KSL dog ads everyday. 
I might exaggerate some things, but that, ^ up there ^, is a through and through true statement.
Me and KSL. Every. Day.
Unfortunately, our landlords *cough* mom *cough cough* dad, won't let us get one.
Which is just straight evil, if you ask me.
We're so grateful to live in their basement apartment and they are the most giving people I know...
Sure, they're not evil, but their anti-dog campaign, is. 
Fortunately, they really only have one reason why they don't want me to get a dog.
Their reason? They just don't want me to get a dog!
But I can feel my persuasion skills starting to slowly knock down those walls of theirs.
Unfortunately, it's a thick wall.
I have a feeling by the time I actually knock down their wall and convince them to be pro-puppy, I'll be 30 years old with my own house and 12 dogs.

In the meantime, I just take advantage of Rent-A-Puppy, a business that literally lets you rent a dog for 1-4 hours. 
It's pretty loco if you really think about it.
You're paying someone to take care of their dog. 
I should start a Rent-A-Kid business someday.
Let people pay me when they wanna babysit my kiddos for 1-4 hours. :) 

Weird or not, I love it. 
And I'm a total sucker for the "15% off your next puppy rental!" emails they send me. 
Freaking heck.
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February 16, 2015

February sunshine!

This weather is so crazy!
Last Sunday it was sunny and warm and I was itching to get outside and do something. 
So we called up Brenna boo boo and headed up the canyon for a drive and little walky walk. 
It was so nice and got me all excited for Spring. 
But also, the warmness is sucky. 
We went snowboarding the other night and it was like SLUSHY ICE. 
While I don't mind the sun, I think I'd rather have the Winter be wintery and the Spring wait for Spring. 
Are you with me or WHUT?
 ^^her hair is outta this world.
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February 15, 2015

Lover Boy turns 26!

The key to making Blakers happy is easy. 
Family and Friends. 
(and back rubs and making out). 
If B is down about ANYTHING, being around family and good friends always lifts his spirit. 
So turning 26. 
He was more sad than thrilled about November 23rd coming around. 
Probably something about being closer to 30 than 20...or something like that. 
I know I'm definitely not old, but I'm starting to get to that point where my birthdays are still so great, but like "ahhhh I'm good staying 20 for another 10 years." YOU KNOW.

So for B's 26th birthday I surprised him with a cottage-thing in Park City for the night. 
But the best part?
B opened the door to our cottage and BAM! All of his closest friends were there too. 
There was just no time for him to be sad about turning 26 with all his buddies around!
We ate dinner, played games, hot tubbed, blasted music, ate crap, stayed up late, had a bad night of sleep, then breakfast and shopping. 
It was a total success and we had the best time!
We've been blessed with the greatest friends and I'm to grateful that we're all so close. 

Happy Birthday to my hot husband.
26 looks so good on you. 
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