April 14, 2012

This past week...

6 homework assignments
8 papers
4 service hours
5 review sessions 
6 finals
...who knows how many hours I spent in the library...

oh ya...all stacked up on top of work.

sleep and food  managed to slip themselves in there.

my social life however,  did not. 

Best part is....Finals week didn't even start until today. 

oh dear...bring it on.

{Aka: I'm dying}
{Aka: goodbye good GPA}
{Aka: I need to wash my hair sometime soon}
{Aka: heeeeelp}
{Aka: school is not cool...school is for fools!}
{I am a fool}

*sigh* ohhh the days where the flowers bloomed and the birds chirped in joyful tunes. Where the world consisted of happiness and school free bliss. Where professors canceled all school work and the testing center was a center that tested your knowledge of living the easy and breezy life. Where the sun dropped jelly beans, the rainbows painted your nails, and the lottery winner donated his winnings to your "I'm a poor college student" fund. Those were the good ol' days. Where did they go? I sure miss them so. 

Hahahaha the rainbows painting my nails? Funny Rik. 

April 13, 2012

I'm sure you've noticed...

Too many bracelets, funky necklaces, feather earring, undone hair (going on a heat fast), hair wrap, beanies, rings, etc....it's my jam. 

April 9, 2012

Monday. Funday.

I'm a very scheduled person. Not because I want to be, but because I have to be.
For example, every Thursday goes as follows...

Work: 8:00-1:00
School: 1:30-4:50
Dance: 5:00-10:00

Every single day is scheduled sooooo closely like that. There's no room for anything! My downtime consists of driving from one thing to another. I seriously LOVE my driving breaks. Pathetic? I don't think so...just busy. I like it like that.

However, because of my packed schedule,  time for the B-man can only be found at late hours of the night. We don't mind, we make it work out.

But get this killas! This semester I have found a small break on Mondays from 2:20-3:15 (in between work and dance). That small slot of time allows me to blast over to B's house where have what we call a "speed-date". B planned the last one. He found an old kite at his house, did some homemade repairs, took me to the park, and flew kites with me.

Our speed dates have been my most favorite thing. I'm all smiles for those 55 minutes. I'm sure going to miss my Monday funday's with this handsome boy.

April 7, 2012

You fool!!

Did you fall for this?....don't be ashamed to admit it. We allllll know you did. For the last week I have been getting so many comments on it.
"I totally fell for it!"
"I didn't buy it for 5 seconds"
"I didn't think it was real, until I saw everyone commenting on it..."
"Are you still going to Romania?"
"You jerk!"
....aaaaand, every once in a while I get a "Wow! Congrats on your engagement!"
Hahahaha. FOOLED YOU.

Seriously though, you should have seen B and I right after we posted it on Facebook. We felt soooooo bad, like we were lying to the whole world! Not to mention the sweet comments, phone call, texts, and voicemails saying how happy people were. We almost deleted it 5 times because we felt so guilty. We didn't answer anyone's phone calls or texts because we didn't want to lie straight to them. Hahaha we were a mess....everyone had to keep telling us that is was FUNNY and people wouldn't be TOO mad once they found out.

Except for my dad. We miiiiiight have forgotten to tell him that we put it on Facebook.
*Dad calls my cell phone*
Me: Oh what up dad??
Dad: (in a slightly annoyed voice) Next time you might want to tell me you're engaged so I know what to say to the 50 people blowing up my phone.
Me: hahahahaha oh right, sorry 'bout that. I'm engaged Dad. But only for today.

Happy April Fools my little friendly peeps. I promise that is the last time I will do that. Please believe me when I post my next "I'm engaged!" pictures on the Fuh-book. It will be for realsies. Pinky swear.