August 27, 2013

THE bridals/groomals (Alixann Loosle)

The wonderful and talented Alixann Loosle took our bridals/groomals. 
I wish that we could have done them outside, but the weather just wasn't ideal!
We actually ended up outside for the last 5 minutes of our session and I was literally frozen solid by the end. 
Luckily, she worked her magic and wah-lah.  
And yes, I realize these were taken like 12 years ago, but I gotta post em for the future generations of Sanford children that will undoubtedly stalk our lives (via this blog) and realize how rad and sexy B and I were in our childfree, stressfree, wrinklefree, carefree, sane, happy, joyful, happy, childfree days. 
Jk future kids, you're loved. 
I hope. 

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August 25, 2013

California Video

Check it out!
I finished our too, right?!
Buuuut, be prepared. 
We're rookies at this whole videography stuff. 
So forgive all things that aren't exactly professional videography material. 
Like shaky footage.

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August 23, 2013

Goodbye to the Love Shack :( and a House Tour

I doubt that most of you know this...
but my parents have a self-contained basement apartment in their house, and B and I are moving into it this weekend. 
It's bitter sweet. 
Sweet because we'll be able to save a lot of money on rent, it's way bigger and nicer than the Love Shack, and it's closer to most places. 
Bitter because we have to leave the Love Shack, neighbors, and ward that we've come to love. 
It literally took us 7 months to make a final decision. 
And let me tell you, It's still hard for us. 
Especially B. 
Of course I'm sad about leaving, but B's pretty much heart broken, which makes me super sad. 
It's just that this was our first home together!
We spent hours making it look how we want it, and there are so many memories in that house. 
I know we'll seriously miss the simplicity of our home. 
We didn't have cable or internet so we spent our nights bike riding and card playing and movie watching. 
We didn't have a washer or dryer so we let our laundry baskets overflow until it was impossible to go another day without clean clothes. 
We locked ourselves out more than once and literally "carded" our way in. 
We blasted our music at midnight just cuz we could. 
We loved moving our mattress into the living room and usually let is stay there for a solid week. 
We tried everything possible to get rid of the "old" smell in the house and never found a solution. 
We paid next to nothing for gas and electricy. 
Our window cooler became our best friend. 
Our bed became our kitchen table. 
Cereal and milk was way too common. 
7/11 doughnuts just down the street added some pounds. 
And we made-out in basically every square foot of the thing. 

Those things, and much more, will always be tied to our first home, and it's sad/bizarre to think that we're already moving past this stage in our lives. 
But in honor of all good times,  here's the Love Shack!
(with top quality photos from the iPhone, of course)
I hope you love it as much as B and I do.

The Living Room

 ^^ that buffet was our first big purchase as a married couple. 
Also, I pulled some leg muscles trying to help B put that thing into our house. 
Weighs more than a elephant, I tell you. 

 ^^ It took forever to convince B that that wall should be orange. 
Even painted it grey first. 
Boy finally came to his senses. 
We even had my mom come to paint it so we didn't mess it up big time.
She'll be a professional painter in the next life, I'm sure. 

 The Kitchen

 ^^we spent DAYS painting the kitchen yellow. 
It took way too long. 

^^ Sadly, the stove and microwave were mostly used as something to lean our bikes up against.
 I'm sure that's no surprise to a lot of you. 
Oh the joys of being a non-cook/bad wife. 

The Bedroom

 ^^ We didn't exactly secure that top thing very well. 
Hence, the hats. 
I didn't dare put anything heavier on it, in fear that it would fall and kill us in the middle of the night.

^^This is a HUGE canvas of NYC (where B served his mission). 
Sometimes we'd laid in bed and play Eye-Spy on it. 
I have yet to find McDonald's.
Also, we want to count how many windows are on it. 
But we'll probably save that for a day when we have lots of homework and important things to do. 
You know? 
When we need a legit excuse to not do those things. 
You know?
Cuz we neeeeeeed to know how many windows are on our NYC mural. 

The extra room? Nah. Closet.

 ^^ my side.

^^his side

^^take note of over flowing laundry.
Also, we had great intentions of painting over that awesome lime green. 

The Bathroom

 ^^ Get plugs that fit my beauty enhancing needs.
Also...painted these walls from dark green to blue. 
By myself, like a boss. 

And there you have it! 
Our favorite place in the world.

Bye little Love Shack!
You sure have treated us well. 
And don't worry. 
We already have big plans in the making to move back into you when I graduate next April. 

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August 21, 2013


Yes, I know.
I failed miserably at blogging everyday in California.
I actually think it's kinda cute that I even tried.
Ya right.
But you know what they say...
it's better to have tried and failed, then to have never tried at all. :)
But great news is that B and I are in the process of making a video of our California adventure.
So stayed tuned.
Maybe we'll finish it before we turn 50.
40, if you're lucky.

BUT we went on yet another great vacation this weekend.
This time with both our families and some close family friends.
Where to?
You guessed it.
For some reason I was thee worst at taking pictures this weekend.
Literally didn't even pull out the big camera that I brought.
And the iphone only came out once or twice
So I'm sorry.
I think I was too busy napping, jumping on the tramp, 4-wheeling, temple session-ing, canoeing in the lake, playing volleyball, badmitton (sp?), card games and golf. And also reading, eating, snacking, munching, and all things chill and fun.

But I did manage to document our 4-wheel trip up the mountain.
I grew a dirt mustache in 5 seconds.
And we found a lake and haaaaad to jump in.
And only two people tipped over their machines.
And I only got rear ended three times.
So it was a success. 

And the other event that managed to pull me out of my non-picture-taking mood?
The sexiest people I've ever seen. 

I walked into the Sanford RV late Saturday night and found them dressing up. 
I was dying. 
They really are the funniest people I know. 

Thanks for the funnest trippy trip Laws and Sanford fam. 
I seriously love you all. 
And love even more that both my fams are friends and plan trips together. 
It's the neatest and greatest thing.

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