December 27, 2012

THE progress report.

I don't know why people take 3+ months to plan a wedding.
B and I are over here chill. as. a. pill. while we plan a wedding in 6 weeks.
Chill as a pill?! My butt!
Things are insane over here!
We eat, drink, and breathe wedding plans.
For instance.
In the last 24 hours we have...

------>> Gathered addresses for wedding invites (when people say it's the worst part, they ain't kiddin!)                              
------>> Found and purchased accessories for my wedding hair.
------>> Had my last dress fitting for the wedding dress (I think I'm in love)
------>> Registered @ Bed, Bath & Beyond.
------>> 700 stamps? Purchased.
------>> Had our final interview for the temple (psst...I'm going through TOMORROW!!!)
------>> Finished designing our wedding invitations.

Getting stuff done kids. Getting it done. 

Loved how our engagements turned out. This chick is the shiz.

and HEY! Married in 3 weeks from today. 
Seriously can't wait to be a wifey to my handsome man.

December 22, 2012

THE bridesmaid gifts.

 I wanted to do something a little cute to ask my best friendy friends to accompany me on my entire wedding day...
This is a big deal peeps.
So what did I do?
Stuffed mason jars with my favorite candy. 

Crafty Rik. 
Best part is, I didn't even need pinterest for the idea.
It's hard being purely original in this pinteresty world of ours.
So yes, I'll take a nice pat on the back for this one.
I know, I know...I should have said something more creative,
like...."you'd be a peach if you were my bridesmaid"
Or something like that.
But for some reason I thought it was too tacky at the time of making the tags. 
Oh well. 
So far they've all said yes.
So I'll consider my Peachie-O stuffed Jars a total success. 

December 17, 2012

THE good, bad, & ugly

Let me tell you...being engaged is super cool. Like so cool! It's basically the same as dating except we spend our time planning things for our wedding and using fancy words like fiance.
Super cool. 
But hey...not all blissful... 
(like spending thousands of dollars on wedding food kind of non-blissfulness).
What the crizapp?!

So far, wedding planning has been good...bad....and ugly.
So without further ado...


We went to register and scanned the crap out of all the stuff at Target.
But B wouldn't let me scan food.
I dunno why...having food to eat is just as important as owning a spatula in my humble opinion.
So if you're at a loss as to what to get us for our wedding...
peachie-O's are my favorite candy and I can live off Kraft Mac & Cheese for a solid month. 

We also went to a little food tasting for reception stuff. 
If free Magleby's isn't good...I dunno what is. 


This is me at the Doctors for my pre-marital exam.
Nuff said.


You should have seen us on Friday.
7 hours of solid wedding planning did. us. in.
'Ugly' pretty much sums it up.
Don't get me wrong, all this wedding stuff is bomb! I'm loving it.
But 7 hours of anything isn't healthy.
Not healthy at all.

But hey, great news!
B and I have been trying to go see the lights up in Salt Lake for 3 years now.
Seriously, it never worked out.
But this year we finally made it.
Can I get a who-rah?!

December 11, 2012

THE ring.

I'm obsessed with my ring...I'm serious, I absolutely LOVE everything about it. 
Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted a solitaire, princess cut diamond. 
So when B and I were talking rings, I would occasionally see a ring that I liked that wasn't a princess cut, but found myself continually going back to what I have always wanted. 
Since B proposed the day after I got back from Romania, he had to get the ring all on his own. 
I gave him ideas about what I wanted, but left all the little details up to him.
Like always...the boy didn't disappoint. 

A solitaire, princess cut diamond is pretty common. 
Yes it's timeless and classy (which is what I love), but definitely not unique. 
So... I paired it with two other rings to add a little bit of personality into it. 
(B knew that I have wanted to do this for awhile and got a ring that is perfect for stacking...seriously, he nailed this you guys).
One ring is from a place near and dear to guessed it. ROMANIA!
And the other is my great grandmother's wedding band. 
Add these three rings together and you have some bling bling that I die over on a daily basis. 
It's seriously weird to see a diamond on my ring finger, but I'm loving every second of it. 
I love showing it off to peeps. 
I love that both B and I love it. 
And I love the boy who gave it to me.

So much love kids. 
It's outta this woooorld. 


December 9, 2012

THE story.

Hey kids!
Riki and Blake here.
Great news...
We're engaged!
Aaaaand we're here to tell you the story.
HER side and HIS side. 
So we go!

The whole week before I came home from Romania...B was being so sketchy! Whenever I asked what he was doing it was always "stuff." or "nothin." or something like that. Supes sketchy.

K yeah sketchy. Whatever. I would say more like, like.. Well I don't know, but not sketchy. I just had a sweet proposal plan and I didn't want her to know about it. My plan was to deck out this old rustic barn and just make it look super cute. You know, gotta create a nice environment for her. So like the hardest part was finding a dang barn. I would drive around for days looking for the right place. Finally I found out about the place. It was perfect. So I measured out how many lights I would need to light up the place and off I was to Lowes.

You see....just busy doin' "nothin".
I got home from Romania on Sunday night (best night of me and B's dating life, FYI) and Blake told me we were going on a date the next day. He said he had a study group from 3:30 to 5:30 and would be at my house to pick me up afterwards.

Yeah definitely wasn't at a study group. After three days of setting up the barn I still had a few last minute things to do.  So my brother and I went straight to the barn to finish setting up. I was getting super antsy and nervous. 

I got a text from B at 5:45 telling me he was running late.

Setting up took longer than we thought. 

And then a call from him around 6:00 telling me that he was outside my house.
Look at my man...being all gentleman like and calling me to tell me he was here for our hot date. What the heck?!

I wasn't really outside.

But his friend Eric was.
We got in his car and started driving away. We talked and laughed as if nothing was out of the ordinary...clearly avoiding the MAJOR elephant in the room. 
AKA: Why the heck was he driving me around and where the freak was B-dawg?!
Def. knew something was up. 

Meanwhile I'm back at the barn freak-a-leakin! It was all set up and ready to go, but I was pacing like a fool waiting for her to arrive. I was checking and checking and re-checking and re-checking everything to make sure it was perfect. Holy freak I was nervous. I don't know why, I mean, I knew she was going to say yes but I was going crazy. I told Eric to text me when they were 1 minute away and after what seemed like an eternity I finally got the "almost there" text. AH! Got in position and waited...

After driving way in the heck out to Mapleton, Eric finally pulls into this empty, black field. I was supes confused at what was going on. But as soon as he put the car into park, I see all these lights go on. When I looked over at them, I see a huge barn all lit up. There are white Christmas lights all over, wrapped around poles, and draped across the ceiling. There are tons of pictures of me and Blake hanging from the ceiling, rose petals in a pathway leading to a big haystack with a huge "R + B" sign hanging down, and the most handsome boy dressed in a suit standing in front of the sign...holding flowers and smiling at me. My heart seriously started racing. I basically ran out of the car, walked up to him as fast as I could, and gave him the biggest hug. 

Finally I had her in my arms and was able to calm down. I was so happy! And she looked so good too. I had a song playing and we danced. She had been back from Romania for less than 24 hours and it felt so good to be with her. I love her so much. So we danced, but I don't know for how long. We were just so stoked to be together.  

Ya...who knows how long we danced for, or what the heck we even talked about. But I just remember being so happy and so smiley and thinking how insane it was that this was actually happening.

I told her how much I missed her and that I didn't want to have to miss her anymore.

His eyes got all watery :)

They didn't get watery. Maybe I was cold or something. Actually I think I got hay in my eye. Or now that I think about it, the lights were super bright and my eyes were sensitive.

He cried. 

K, this is lame because all of you that read this are friends with Rik and you're going to believe her over me.. But I didn't cry. Eyes may or may not have been watery though. But can you blame me??  Asking the most beautiful girl in the world to be your wife??? Intense stuff.

Anyway, the boy got on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of forever with him. I basically shouted "yes" and went to pull the ring out of box to put it on my finger.

I'm like dude let me put the ring on your finger, I bought it.  But pharell she was so excited and I was the happiest boy on earth.  

To be honest, the rest of the night is kind of a blur. It all seemed surreal! But B and I were on such a high. We couldn't stop touching, and kissing, and hugging, and talking about being married to each other. He's going to be my HUSBAND! That idea still gives me the butterflies, how in the world did I score Blake Sanford? I have no idea...but I seriously can't wait to be his wifey. 

All I have to say is that I'm glad I got her while she is young and doesn't know any better because I for sure don't know how I got her to say yes.  

So we're getting married!!! 

And here's some pics...what's a blog post without pics?!

 It wasn't much to begin with, but I had a pretty good vision of what I wanted it to look like.

 Stringing all of the lights was the longest part...
 I got so stoked when it started coming together.

 Just after she said yes, happiest moment ever!

Once you're engaged...PDA is totally acceptable. 

High fives for lovers. Holla!

B did amazing, right?!

 This was me just a few minutes before she got there making sure everything was ready.  I was so nervous!
He looks freaking gooooood huh? That jaw line...I die.

January 17, 2013
Save the date!

                          --and her lover boy!

December 6, 2012

" What ever you 

decide to do, 

make sure it 

makes you happy " 

I've never been more happy in my entire life.

[Story and ring pic coming soon...I can't wait to tell you everything. You guys are going to die.]
