Our weekend started out with the Parade of Homes.
and let me tell you, I looooove the Parade of Homes.
But I'm only a happy camper for a total of like, 3 houses.
I think it's because there's also a part of me that hates the Parade of Homes.
It brings back awesomly horrible memories of me as an innocent 8-year-old being dragged to the Parade of Homes by my mother and grannie and having to walk through every freaking house on the map resulting in a total of five thousand hours on my feet and the viewing of one million overpriced house decorations.
But now that I'm an adult and can stick up for myself,
I demand that my mother takes my father instead.
And I require her to highlight her favorite three houses.
And I also insist she give me her re-entry passes so I can enjoy those three houses with my hubby...
for free.
And of course most of this is really her idea, I swear I don't really demand anything of her.
Because why?
Because one, I think she seriously thrives on the fact that I got some of her interior design love running through my veins and she feels the need to cater and nourish that love for interior design until it blossoms into a tree the size of jupiter.
And because two, I think she realizes how torturous it was to drag lil' ol' innocent 8-year-old me through the Parade of Homes. Especially with all the delicious looking food that is fake, the hideous booties they make you wear, with all chairs, couches, beds, and all things comfy blocked off. A touture chamber for a child, I tell you. and I think that mother of mine is trying to make up for it.
But more importantly, ask me how I got my husband to come with me.
I'll tell you...
Countless hours of basketball being watched with him.
And don't forget trying to remember all the basketball facts he educated me on.
And trying to pass the basketball pop quizzes he'd give me.
And also having to watch all the basketball youtube videos he'd show me during commercial breaks of basketball games.
And laughing at all the basketball memes he sent me via text.
And planning our nights around basketball game times.
And actually becoming a legit HEAT fan through all of this.
Oh ya... he owed me big time.
Cheers to the Parade of Homes and Mr. James being the most loved and hated man all at the same time.
Speaking of, my mom is a Lebron hater and said we can drive any car of hers for a month if the Heat won the playoffs. So hey mom! That'll be one Jeep 4-door for the month of July, please!
And also...B somehow got Lebron James' cell phone number.
Apparently it got leaked onto the internet.
Ring. Ring. Answering machine picks up.
"this is Lebron, leave a message"
You best believe B dialed his number twice for me and let me leave a message declaring my love for him and his skill.
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