July 10, 2013


Did you notice my new blog face lift?!
Yes, I'm obsessed. 
When I found Kaylie Marie's blog design site, I couldn't refuse the price OR quality. 
(even though B and I spent hours on my last blog facelift only like a month ago)
(and even though whenever I would ask B his opinion on my new design ideas he would always say "oh ya! that's awesome! But not as awesome as mine was!"...gosh I love him)
BUT I just couldn't refuse. 
Plus, I had a new design forming in my brain for a while, and I found a girl that could do it for me without the blood, sweat, and tears that occurred when rookie B and I did my last design. AND without emptying my wallet. 
And you know what? 
Kaylie was the most patient person on planet earth. 
I can't decide if me knowing what I wanted was a good thing or a bad thing. 
Good...I could tell her what I wanted. 
Bad...She had to change things ONE MILLION times until it was exactly how I pictured it in my brain. 
She was a gem I tell you. 

Anyway, lets get to the REALLY good stuff here.
On the Reals is teaming up with Kaylie Marie Design to offer one lucky reader a free makeover of their blog!!!
Wait, what?
You read it right, kid. 
(Check out Kaylie's design site for more information on what your free design will include)

All you have to do to enter is...
1. click here and follow On the Reals via bloglovin'
2. click here and follow Kaylie Marie via bloglovin'

For two extra entries:
follow both @kayliehooser and @riksanfyy_ on instagram

Please leave a comment saying what you did.
  (this is super important! You won't be accounted for unless you leave a comment!)

So whether you currently have a blog, or if your thinking about creating a blog...
You don't wanna miss this. 

Good luck and thanks for reading!!!
Giveaway will close next Wednesday (7/17) at midnight, and the winner will be announced Thursday morning.

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  1. Such a great giveaway! I have just recently stumbled upon your blog & you have inspired me to start making my own blog soon! This would be perfect chance to start if I win! :)
    I followed both blogs on bloglovin' & both accounts on the insta.
    Have a great day!

  2. Yay! So exciting.. I am in desperate need of a blog makeover! Following boths blogs and instas!! Pick me ;)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How fun!!! I would love a blog face lift, trying to change everything on my own is a borderline nightmare haha I followed both accounts on bloglovin' and in insty :) fingers crossed for this sweet giveaway

  4. I am in love with this idea. I have been stuck with the same blog design for months and am in dyre need of a makeover. Following both blogs and instas. ME ME !!!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ok so I SWEAR I will blog all the time if you let me win this one ;) I'm now following her blog and insta too! Pick me sista!

  7. I have been wanting to "come out of the closet" with my new blog but have been too afraid to without a design. I'd love some help!

  8. Love the new look!! Followed both blogs and your Instagram!

  9. I am following both wonderful blogs! fingers crossed

  10. following you both on bloglovin! crossing my fingers!

  11. Following you both on bloglovin and instagram!

  12. following both of you on blog lovin'!

  13. Would love to win! Following you both on bloglovin' :)

  14. help a fellow poor newlywed out! ;)her designs are to die for. followed both on bloglovin' and insta!!

  15. Followed both blogs and both of you on instagram!
