July 1, 2013

Six things you should know about me, Riki Sanford.

Cutest Katie from The Silver Lining asked me to do this "you should know" thing and I couldn't be more flattered!
So first things first, go check out her bloggy blog. Her and her husband are just supes sexy.

And here are six things about yours truly!


1. Let us in on a secret you haven't shared with your readers yet.
Hmmm...did you know that I work in an accounting office, and am a dance teacher/choreographer/dancer at Jive? Or that I've played the piano since I was five and love it soooo much? Oh, and I hate plucking my eyebrows so Blake does it for me, I rarely blowdry my hair, I have an unhealthy obsession with rings and shoes, I never cook, Zac Efron was my dream man when I was 14, everyone in my family got the singing gene except for me, and B swears I'll always be a little girl at heart and he loves that about me. Like yesterday! He was laughing at something I said and then explained, "I swear, you're just the cutest little girl that is forced to live in a grown up world and a grown up body". Immature, or young at heart? I'll never know. Maybe those two things are one in the same? But whatevs, B loves me for it, so that's cool.
2. What's your favorite part about marriage?
Besides all the sexy makeouts, entire nights of snuggling and an often shirtless B, my favorite part of marriage has been this: Blake's humor. I know I know. It's a totally cheesy and lame answer, but hear me out! When I was dating Blake, I was convinced that B was the funniest person on planet earth. But I had noooo idea. Now that we're married, husband Blake is 100% funnier than boyfriend Blake was. I'm not even kidding! He's a hoot, and we laugh together so much! Most times, it makes me cry cuz I'm laughing so hard. So that is totally a bonus to this whole marriage thing.

3. If you could have your dream job, what would it be?
I was about to say that my dream job would be to have no job at all. But that would be a lie. I think I would go completely crazy if I didn't have something to occupy my time while my kiddies are at school and what not. So here is what would be ideal...I would love to be a stay at home mom until my kids are old enough to go to school (being a mom is a job, RIGHT?! right). But currently, I am going to school at BYU, working on my bachelors degree in Human Development. I 100% plan on applying to grad school this year to one day receive my Masters in Human Development. So far, I have managed to maintain an academic scholarship, so cross your fingers that my GPA can get me in! And call me crazy, but I am dying to get my PhD. I want to teach Human Development at a University and do all things research and publishing. I actually love doing research and stats and all that crazy stuff, so I feel like that would be a career that I would thrive on. But I know, it's far fetched. Especially with Blake's goal of being a Dentist, and my goal of having a million kids. Can you imagine paying for dental school, a masters program AND one millions kids?! Ya right. But a girl can dream, right? Good thing I have a plan B. When I heard that dentists have the hightest rate of cheating on their wives and divorce, I told Mr. Sanfy that I'll be his secretary and hire only dental assistants that are taller than him, teethless, tattooed to the hilt, with zero personality. So if I ever hire you as my husbands assistant, you'll know what I think about you. Oh ya, you non-personality, toothless person.

(I can't really find a pic for this...sorry!)

4. How did your blog come about?
I made my blog on the night before my 19th birthday! I was with a bunch of friends and they all helped me put it together. And some people have asked what "on the reals" means. So let me tell you. At the time of making my blog, I used the term "on the reals" all the time. For instance, "on the reals, I love your pants" or, "on the reals, Zac Efron is so hot" or, "Do you swear it Rik?" "yup...on the reals". So I thought it fitting as my blog title. Also...we all love when people are real and raw right? And that's what I wanted my blog to be. I mean...sometimes they'll be all that fluffy duffy crap here. But on the reals, too much of that will kill everyone. So the stuff here is just real...whether it be flutty duffy or not. So there you go! On the reals, kids.

^^this picture was taken right after the birth of my blog

5. Guilty pleasure?
Ice cream. I told B that the 2 most common phrases used by me in our marriage have been...
1. I love you
2. Can we get icecream?

And it's the truth. I ask him to get icecream with me way too much, it's almost embarrassing. The best/worst thing is that he's always more than willing. I'm gonna die of an excess of icecream in a few years, I can feel it in my bones. Call it an addiction or true love, but either way, it's my guilty pleasure.

^^this is actually gelato. In Italy. Which, by the way, is highly overrated. I'd take some Cold Stone over some italian gelato any day! Please don't roast me for saying that, okay?

6. Who do you admire most as a blogger and why?
I have been stalking Claire White since I was a freshman in college. She's was my first blog crush and still remains my very fav. She is so real, beautiful (inside and out), has the best style, her pictures will blow you away, the cutest husband, and writes like you couldn't believe. Want a dose of everything good in this world, go check out her blog. allthebellesandwhistles.blogspot.com

And now it's your turn.

and anyone else who wants to join in!! Please do!

Pick 6 of these questions to answer for yourself!

1. What your guilty pleasure?
2. Spill. Most embarrassing moment.
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years. 
4. Favorite treat.
5. Who has been the most influential person in your life?
6. Your top 5 favorite blogs to stalk
7. Any current beauty secrets your dying to share??
8. Tell us something we don't know about you.
9. What's your go-to outfit?
10. Celebrity crush?

Can't even wait to hear all about you lovelies!

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  1. Everyone in my family got the singing gene too! Except me of course. What's up with that. They're all talented harmonizers and everything and I'm just like, cool.
    I loved learning about the meaning behind your blog name by the way, I was curious.

    1. Pahahaha! It's the worst, whenever my fam gets together to sing, I'm always the designated piano player since I can't contribute to the singing! Glad we're the same on this Hay!

  2. I just have to say, you're such a doll Rik. I love reading the blog and keeping up with you via fb posts and on the reals. hope life is treating you well. love you and your amazing family!

    1. Love and miss you Em!! I hope you and your adorable family are doing well!

  3. Ok Rik, check it out :


    1. Kay bay bay!! Thanks for doing it...you're the best and sexiest! I love you!!!

  4. I love this so much! You and your husband are so stinkin' cute!

    I really like reading your blog because it feels like I'm talking (or listening) to a friend. You don't sound stuffy or like you're trying to impress anyone. Rock on homegirl.

    1. Katie...you're so rad! Thanks for you comment, it made my day. Sometimes I feel like I'm just rambling so much on here! So It's good to know you don't mind :)

  5. Riki, you are so cute!! I loved reading your "about me" post and getting to know you a little better! Your name totally goes with you! And a dancer, that is seriously awesome!! I will get on my post soon!! Thanks for picking me! :)


    1. Thanks shio baby! I can't wait to read yours!!

  6. This is so fun! Haha- I loved your comments about being married. I totally agree! love, www.shearlyperfect.com

  7. Ice cream is my favorite too! I have eaten way too much of it in my life! ;)

    1. Auntie...I could live off of it! I swear! Lets go get some soon...aka: COME TO PROVO!!!

  8. you are gorgeous and so personal and when i read your blog i wish we were real life friends nuff said cause on the reals you two are the cutest!

    1. Hahaha Sam! You're the sweetest! I wouldn't mind some more real-life friends :)

  9. loved this, cute girl!! I'm a Human Development major at BYU also! It's such an amazing major. I seriously love the classes. Except I do NOT have the passion like you to go to grad school, haha, I'm burned out. Good for you!

    1. No way! We've probably seen each other before! Hopefully I see you in the fall!

  10. I really like reading your blog but at top your image is so confusing ? why Riki ? Why use that image ?
